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Souther Railway King Arthur Class ‘Excalibur’


Here is the latest build on our workbench of a Gladiator Models, Southern Railway Urie King Arthur, to be named ‘Excalibur’. So far the tender body, chassis, main loco body and chassis are almost complete. Work will now continue in adding all of the castings.


Further progress has now completed the chassis, this now rolls freely down a gentle slope, thus ensuring no binding or running issues.

Chassis painting underway, all of the vital areas masked off, on the running gear

Chassis all painted in satin black, re assembled and checked for smooth running, all ok.

The locomotive body has had more detail added, just left to complete is the handrails, smoke deflectors and cab.

Finally the body work is now completed, next is a good clean and preparation for the prime coat.

Painting now well under way, deep cleaning completed with a good prime coat added. Some surface prep now ready for the BR livery to be applied.

Photos below show the painted locomotive awaiting its final lining and some finishing touches.

Lining almost complete now, and just some finishing touches before the satin varnish.

Varnish complete and here is the finished model with a video in slow motion.

Here is a video of the locomotive running.



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TheLocoWorks Ltd

12 Fairways Drive, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 8NY

©2022 by TheLocoWorks.

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